

Homecoming United States

Homecoming ist in den höchsten Kreisen der US-Regierung angesiedelt und erzählt von Heidi Bergmann einer Sachbearbeiterin des Homecoming Transitional Support Center, die mit grausamen Dingen konfrontiert wird und sich kurz vor dem Nervenzusammenbruch befindet. Denn in dieser Einrichtung betreut Heidi Soldaten, die wieder in das zivile Leben eingegliedert werden wollen und vorher schwere Traumata verarbeiten müssen. So zum Beispiel auch den Soldaten Walter Cruz

Staffeln / Episoden 2 / 17
Min. 30
Start. 01.11.18

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Amazon Video
2160p Zum Angebot


Staffel 1
  1. Mandatory

    The Homecoming Transitional Support Center is a safe space for veterans to process their military experience and re-familiarize themselves with civilian life. In a monitored environment.
  2. Pineapple

    Clients will share their service experiences with our counselors. Specificity is key to recovery...
  3. Optics

    If a client experiences adverse effects to the treatment, domestic reassignment may be a better path to success.
  4. Redwood

    Clients who truly commit to the program can expect positive results in as few as six weeks.
  5. Helping

    Life-skills activities allow the client to envision life after Homecoming, practicing social interactions in a safe and nurturing setting.
  6. Toys

    Outside visitors, though well-intentioned, may disrupt the gradual transition back to civilian life.
  7. Test

    By letting go of the past, the client will be able to fully embrace his or her future.
  8. Protocol

    Homecoming is a safe space for you to reflect on your service and think about what comes next. We can't wait to hear your stories.
  9. Work

    What is experience?
  10. Stop

    I'm gonna stop you there, okay?
Staffel 2
  1. People

    A woman wakes up in a canoe - with no memory of how she got there, or even who she is.
  2. Giant

    Jackie discovers a connection to a familiar name.
  3. Previously

    How did we get here?
  4. Soap

    Walter wants answers.
  5. Meters

    Audrey is presented with the opportunity of a lifetime.
  6. Needle

    Alex takes matters into her own hands.
  7. Again

    This is your last chance.